MARSTALL Vito 20kg
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Müesli without cereals
- The energy plus
- also for sport horses
-with numerous vitamins and minerals
- marstall Vito is the cereal-free muesli for all horses with metabolic problems due to feeding. The mixture is reduced from starch and sugar, contains no molasses, is rich in raw fiber and oil as well as vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Vito is suitable for all recreational and sport horses, including those that need to be fed grain-free. A metabolic disease such as polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM), equine metabolism (EMS) or Cushing's disease, does not mean the end as a riding or driving horse for a long time. With a coordinated concept, training, feeding and management, horses with metabolic disorders and their owners can also live life to the fullest. Our Vito marstall is based on hay fiber and contains neither cereals nor molasses.
As a muesli with low sugar and starch content, Vito is the ideal food for horses suffering from metabolic diseases, sugar and starch intolerances or have the tendency to laminitis. marstall Vito contains a lot of zinc, vitamin E and anti-inflammatory omega-3 acids, thus conforming to scientific recommendations. Because of the high levels of vegetable oil Vito is suitable for sport horses and is gentle on the stomach and provides horses with lots of energy. To complete our Vito contains tasty natural components such as carrots and garlic flakes. It is recommended for teeth problems or early eaters, Vito to soak with a liter of water before feeding.